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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Holiday Stress- S&S Fitness

We are now full swing into the Holiday Season... We have made it through Thanksgiving and we have Christmas and New Year to go... The Holidays can sometimes bring Stress along with the fun... Thanks Sasha Sandor Fitness for some great tips on how to deal with the Holiday Stress. 

Feeling stressed about family, work and other daily responsibilities is a year round feeling for most people. Add the holiday parties, time lines and budgets and your day can be quite overwhelming. Below are a few tips to help you keep your stress levels to minimum.  Take a deep breath and enjoy your holiday season.

1.      Clean the Clutter
Being surrounded by too much stuff can be overwhelming and contribute to stress.  It may bring on anxiety when you cannot find your checkbook, your child’s homework, your last work project etc.  Tackle a countertop, drawer or closet one at time and de-clutter to de-stress.   A clean and organized space can feel satisfying and restorative.  As a bonus, active cleaning can burn around 250 calories / hour.
2.      Take a Walk
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress. It helps your body produce endorphins; the neurotransmitters in your brain that make you feel good.  It also helps you forget what’s making you anxious and focus on the exercise you are doing. If you walk briskly for 30 minutes (at once or broken into 10 minute segments) you also meet the minimum daily exercise requirements.
3.      Take a Deep Breath
Aromatherapy isn’t just for spas. No matter where you are, breathing in the scents of rosemary or lavender can put you into a more relaxed state.  Inhaling those aromas can help to lower the stress hormone cortisol.  But just the act of breathing deeply is a stress buster; it sends oxygen through your blood stream helping to calm your entire body.
4.      Keep Healthy Snacks at Work
Keeping a stash of healthy snacks at work or ready at home can help you avoid all if the goodies in the office break room or that last minute fast food run.  By eating healthy, you will be more focused and less stress.

December is a great month to reflect on the past year.  Take the time each day to think of something you are grateful for or appreciate in your life.  Positive thoughts produce chemicals in your body that increase your ability to keep a positive attitude in times of stress.  Enjoy time with your friends and family.

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