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Friday, February 15, 2013

Last Nights Workout


A lot of people have really like the Burn Interval DVD that we have done a few times on Thursday now, it is a nice mix of Cardio and light endurance weight lifting. The DVD is from the Chalean Extreme DVD series by Beachbody, there are 7 DVD's in set but that one that we have been doing is Burn Intervals followed by the Extreme Abs. If you are interested in the purchasing the DVD's to have for self at home, I suggest or 

You may have noticed that we do a lot of the Beachbody DVD's at fit night, I don't see them or promote them, but they do have some really good workouts that are challenging, for people at all levels of fitness. 

If you were at Fit Night last night I also brought in one of my favorite Chocolate Treats seen as it was valentines Day. They are little Chocolate protein balls. The ingredients are fairly flexible you can kind of pick and choose what you want to add to them. Here is the Basic Recipe. 


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